Ned Talic


“We get the challenges and risks that businesses face today. Our mission is to create tailored business restructuring and turnaround solutions that help businesses get back on track.”

Ned has specialised in corporate restructuring, insolvency and turnaround management for over 15 years and, prior to that, was working in the legal field on one of the largest commercial disputes in Australia at that time.

Ned takes a holistic approach for every engagement. He is regularly consulted by fellow accountants and solicitors to assist their clients in a pragmatic manner. He thrives on challenges and works together with all stakeholders to formulate solutions which will achieve the best possible outcome given the individual circumstances.

Ned has assisted businesses of all sizes in a diverse range of industries, ranging from small family-run businesses to publicly listed companies. He also advises on complex commercial disputes and undertakes consulting and forensic assignments in litigation support matters.

Qualifications and Memberships

  • Registered Liquidator
  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • Advanced Certificate in Insolvency
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Australian National University)
  • Bachelor of Laws (University of Melbourne)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (University of Melbourne)

Contact Us

The earlier you engage with us, the more we can do to help you.

Our first meeting is free and we treat every enquiry with the sensitivity and urgency that a client seeking help from us deserves.

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